Fast Snatch Strap

How fast do I take off with the snatch strap?

snatch strap

Just so many people mistakenly believe that backing up bumper to bumper is the way to go in a snatch strap recovery procedure.  Well away you will go but not with the bogged vehicle – more than likely you will have some of each vehicle at the end of the attempted recovery, but not all of both.

The power of the strap is such that when used correctly, it can extricate a bogged vehicle that has a massive resistance to being moved due to the suction effect on the underbody from mud or wet sand.

Firstly check to see that the bogged vehicle is in 4WD!
If so then remove as many of the potential restrictions as possible, i.e. sand from in front of wheels, or differentials, etc.
Always ~ Workout your Total Pull Required

Ensure correct attachment points are being used, and have the bogged vehicle in gear and ready to drive out slowly.  In this recovery the driver of the bogged vehicle is recommended to be in charge as from this position he can see all.  All spectators are removed to at least 1.5 times the length of the stretched strap (in a proctective area) and only 2 metres used for acceleration distance, no one or vehicle should suffer damage.

The correct speed should not, and cannot be judged by the speedo, because the speed is not judged by acceleration, but torque.  In a manual, 2nd gear, low range 2,000rpm (differant vehicles/differant ratio).  By aiming for the maximum torque of the vehicle, rather than maximum acceleration, it becomes possible for a smaller vehicle to retrieve a larger vehicle safely.  In the event that the first attempt doesn’t work, Shovel, Tunnel & Unload then accelerate gradually faster, but don’t come back closer than the 2-metre rule.

Driving off at bumper to bumper, a force in excess of 12 tonnes can easily be exerted.  With this being the load rating of the strap, there is a very high risk of damage.  So when someone asks you how fast, suggest they look at the tachometer, rather than the speedo.

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