Automatic Driving

Automatic driving in 4WD? Like the argument between petrol and diesel, the argument between auto and manual could last all day with neither side winning.  In fact, both transmissions have advantages and disadvantages.  It is just that autos have more advantages than manuals. What are the Advantages? For a start, selection of the right gear is

Driving Statistics

Check-out our Defensive Driving Statistics and Program Every 22 minutes, someone is killed or seriously injured on Australian roads. The single greatest risk that most drivers will face while working will be serious injury or death during road travel. On average, four to five people are killed and approximately 220 people are hospitalised every day

Defensive Driving Program

Check-out our Defensive Driving Program Every vehicle incident is preventable whether it was your fault or someone or something else’s. There are two types of vehicle incidents: Preventable and Non-preventable. Preventable Vehicle Incident – is one in which the driver failed to do everything reasonable to avoid the crash or incident. In other words, when a

Fast Snatch Strap

How fast do I take off with the snatch strap? Just so many people mistakenly believe that backing up bumper to bumper is the way to go in a snatch strap recovery procedure.  Well away you will go but not with the bogged vehicle – more than likely you will have some of each vehicle

Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving

Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving It is important that the vehicle we are driving is taken care of throughout its life, whether we are driving our own vehicle, fleet vehicle, company vehicle or a hire vehicle.  Although at the time a driver may not be aware that anything is wrong, if they continue to not

Loading Vehicle

4WD Loading Vehicle Have you ever noticed how the tyres look a little flat after you have loaded your vehicle for that planned holiday? Many 4WD vehicles that are used for an annual holiday outing once or twice a year are subjected to horrendous over -loading. This may be due to uneven loading between the

Tour Equipment

Suggested 4WD Tour Equipment Expect the unexpected and be prepared for it. The following Suggested “4WD Tour Equipment & Spares” is a guide and you are not required to carry all equipment or spares listed.  This is provided as a reference to support your pre-trip preparation and for your information to expect the unexpected and

Recovery Hooks

Minimum Requirements for Recovery Hooks The purpose of recovery hooks is to provide a safe and secure point from which to recover a stuck vehicle. The recovery hook should be “RATED”, strong enough to enable the recovery of a stuck vehicle, but more importantly must be designed so that if recovery forces exceed the design
